Executed: Mon Mar 27 11:38:35 2017

Duration: 3 seconds.

Direct ecitation coefficient fit

This notebook estracts the direct excitation coefficient from the set of 5 us-ALEX smFRET measurements.

What it does?

This notebook performs a weighted average of direct excitation coefficient fitted from each measurement.


This notebooks reads the file:

In [1]:
data_file = 'results/usALEX-5samples-PR-raw-dir_ex_aa-fit-AexAem.csv'

The data has been generated by running the template notebook usALEX-5samples-PR-raw-dir_ex_aa-fit-AexAem for each sample.

To recompute the PR data used by this notebook run the 8-spots paper analysis notebook.


In [2]:
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'  # for hi-dpi displays

palette = ('Paired', 10)

In [3]:
data = pd.read_csv(data_file).set_index('sample')

n_bursts_aa dir_ex_S1p dir_ex_S_kde dir_ex_S2p dir_ex_S2pa dir_ex_S2p_w1 dir_ex_S_kde_w1 dir_ex_S_kde_w4 dir_ex_S_kde_w5 dir_ex_S2p_w5 dir_ex_S2p_w5a S_2peaks_w5 S_2peaks_w5_fiterr
7d 630 0.035049 0.061121 0.068715 0.060454 0.065912 0.060895 0.055075 0.053741 0.055369 0.050042 0.052465 0.002288
12d 269 0.037100 0.060445 0.092479 0.041670 0.073575 0.060445 0.057082 0.054852 0.057560 0.044884 0.054428 0.003265
17d 608 0.034677 0.083424 0.119491 0.070370 0.094961 0.082720 0.077354 0.071352 0.072895 0.174377 0.067942 0.003098
22d 433 0.026463 0.086484 0.111094 0.053768 0.082611 0.085541 0.071582 0.064283 0.061879 0.046918 0.058273 0.003034
27d 129 0.019777 0.050862 0.078734 0.040582 0.080239 0.050420 0.074807 0.043406 0.055485 0.017062 0.052569 0.003970

In [4]:

Index(['n_bursts_aa', 'dir_ex_S1p', 'dir_ex_S_kde', 'dir_ex_S2p',
       'dir_ex_S2pa', 'dir_ex_S2p_w1', 'dir_ex_S_kde_w1', 'dir_ex_S_kde_w4',
       'dir_ex_S_kde_w5', 'dir_ex_S2p_w5', 'dir_ex_S2p_w5a', 'S_2peaks_w5',

In [5]:
d = data[[c for c in data.columns if c.startswith('dir')]]
d.plot(kind='line', lw=3, title='Direct Excitation Coefficient')
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., frameon=False);

In [6]:
dir_ex_aa = np.average(data.dir_ex_S_kde_w5, weights=data.n_bursts_aa)
'%.5f' % dir_ex_aa


Save coefficient to disk

In [7]:
with open('results/usALEX - direct excitation coefficient dir_ex_aa.csv', 'w') as f:
    f.write('%.5f' % dir_ex_aa)

In [8]: